Please click on the links below to go to their respective websites.
Alamy is a company you can purchase via downloading my images for a number of uses, clealy explained on Alamy's website. And you can order framed prints via Alamy.
Charles Burns is a silhouette artist and painter, whilst WillowsEmporium sells jewellery which I love. I believe they are very talented and highly recommend them both.
Alamy is a company you can purchase via downloading my images for a number of uses, clealy explained on Alamy's website. And you can order framed prints via Alamy.
Charles Burns is a silhouette artist and painter, whilst WillowsEmporium sells jewellery which I love. I believe they are very talented and highly recommend them both.
Beautiful and interesting jewellery handmade from polymer clay, silver, bone, horn, amethyst, quartz, gemstones, crystals, aventurine, rose quartz, jasper, carnelian, sodalite, and many other gems. One of my favourite is snow quartz.
Alamy Stock Photos
Please look on Alamy to download my images and visit the site occasionally to see new work I add to Alamy. Please see Alamy for pricing.
Charles Burns Silhouettes
Charles Burns works as a silhouette artist cutting Portrait silhouettes from paper with scissors, performing at various events around the country.
Link to my website which you can save if you wish.